Editorial Evolution …

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Early this morning, the wee hours found me tossing around in bed, wide awake and unable to shake the need to further explore this whole “connecting the [micro] dots” rabbit hole I dove into in yesterday’s blog post. And so here I am, riffing — raw and real.

I’m inspired by the concept of “Editorial Evolution”, a term of which I manifested unexpectedly in my mind’s explorations of life, work and survival in today’s strange, rapidly changing, world of words. Journalism, creative writing, essays — these have mostly all been lumped into “content marketing” and “copywriting” today, all in the name of making more money, sell sell sell instead of read read read …

From micro-dots to dot.coms to the dots of ellipsis … This reoccurring appearance of little round circles tickled my early morning head. Why are these black dots bouncing around in my psyche as we march into the future (much too quickly for this luddite of the learning curve) of the digital race? It is often said that all of life is nothing but patterns, and I do believe that this is the case here.

Follow the bouncing ball, the dancing dot, towards the unknown — trusting that ellipses will get us there safely, if not without a bit of turbulence.

Keep connecting the dots as we tootle along, and hopefully we’ll get by just fine. Here’s to perceiving these patterns towards a more harmonious humanity.

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